Logo I3C-Select

Instructing Large Language Models to Identify and Ignore Irrelevant Conditions

1Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2University of Notre Dame

†Corresponding to: chaoshen@xjtu.edu.cn
geometric reasoning

I3C performs three steps: (1) Identify irrelevant condition candidates by encoding and condition-question similarity scoring; (2) Use LLMs to verify if the candidates are relevant; (3) Leverage the verifications (and demonstrations) to generate accurate reasoning paths and find correct answers.


Math word problem (MWP) solving requires generating a reasoning path based on a given problem description that often contains irrelevant conditions. Existing chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting methods elicited multi-step reasoning abilities of large language models (LLMs) to solve MWPs. However, they were seriously confused by the irrelevant conditions, resulting in low accuracy. In this paper, we propose a novel approach named I3C that instructs LLMs to identify and ignore irrelevant conditions. It identifies a set of irrelevant condition candidates that have a weak semantic relevance with the question. Then it prompts LLMs to verify the irrelevant conditions. Lastly it instructs the LLMs with the verification on relevant and irrelevant conditions to avoid confusion and improve reasoning paths. Moreover, we propose to select (problem, reasoning paths) pairs as demonstrations to enhance I3C with few-shot reasoning. We develop I3C-Select that selects the most confusing problems based on the semantic relevance measurement. We conduct extensive experiments on eight MWP datasets. I3C can be combined with any CoT prompting methods to improve the performance of solving MWPs. Notably, with GPT-3.5-Turbo and I3C-Select, we achieve an accuracy of 96.0 and 94.1 on GSM-IC2-1K and GSM-ICM-1K, respectively, significantly outperforming the state-of-the-art few-shot prompting method Complex-CoT by +11.7 and +11.1.

Experiment Results

Comparison with Baseline Methods

We use eight math word problem (MWP) datasets as our testbed. AddSub, SingleEq, SVAMP, and GSM8K are classical MWP datasets in which some of the problem descriptions contain irrelevant conditions. GSM-IC2-1K and GSM-ICM-1K are challenging datasets that require multi-step reasoning, and each problem description contains irrelevant conditions. AQuA and MATH are more challenging datasets that contain problems from high school competitions. We compare our proposed I3C-Select prompting method with two types of prompting baselines: (1) Zero-shot baselines. We include Zero-Shot-CoT, PS, Instruct-CoT, and Direct. The Direct baseline uses the prompt "The answer is" to get the final answer. (2) Few-shot baselines. We include Manual-CoT, Complex-CoT, PAL, and Auto-CoT. The demonstrations of these baselines are from their original papers.

GPT-3 (text-davinci-003) AddSub SVAMP GSM8K SingleEq GSM-IC2-1K GSM-ICM-1K AQuA MATH
Direct 89.3 65.2 15.0 84.6 22.8 9.0 28.7 7.6
Direct + I3C 92.4 (+3.1) 74.5 (+9.3) 49.7 (+34.7) 92.7 (+8.1) 82.6 (+59.8) 66.9 (+57.9) 36.2 (+7.5) 11.3 (+3.7)
Zero-Shot-CoT 84.8 74.3 60.8 89.5 70.7 62.5 40.5 12.4
Zero-Shot-CoT + I3C 91.7 (+6.9) 75.9 (+1.6) 61.3 (+0.5) 93.7 (+4.2) 84.7 (+14.0) 71.4 (+8.9) 45.7 (+5.2) 17.9 (+5.5)
PS 88.1 72.0 58.2 89.2 70.9 63.5 38.1 13.7
PS + I3C 91.4 (+3.3) 75.6 (+3.6) 61.1 (+2.9) 93.1 (+3.9) 84.8 (+13.9) 69.4 (+5.9) 43.6 (+5.5) 18.2 (+4.5)
Instruct-CoT 90.4 76.3 57.8 91.1 82.4 64.3 44.5 16.1
Instruct-CoT + I3C 91.8 (+1.4) 77.0 (+0.7) 61.0 (+3.2) 92.7 (+1.6) 84.7 (+2.3) 71.3 (+7.0) 46.3 (+1.8) 21.3 (+5.2)
Manual-CoT 87.8 76.7 56.9 91.3 73.9 60.6 44.0 15.6
Manual-CoT + I3C 92.9 (+5.1) 80.1 (+3.4) 61.6 (+4.7) 93.9 (+2.6) 82.0 (+8.1) 66.1 (+5.5) 49.1 (+5.1) 19.8 (+4.2)
Auto-CoT 90.6 77.8 58.9 90.9 74.3 65.2 47.2 16.3
Auto-CoT + I3C 93.7 (+3.1) 80.0 (+2.2) 61.9 (+3.0) 93.5 (+2.6) 83.9 (+9.6) 68.2 (+3.0) 51.5 (+4.3) 22.5 (+6.2)
Complex-CoT 88.9 78.0 67.7 92.7 75.3 66.5 48.8 17.4
Complex-CoT + I3C 92.8 (+3.9) 80.0 (+2.0) 70.6 (+2.9) 94.0 (+1.3) 87.1 (+11.8) 83.6 (+17.1) 53.2 (+4.4) 23.1 (+5.7)
I3C-Select (Ours) 93.9 80.3 72.6 94.3 93.7 90.9 57.1 28.5

Accuracy (%) comparison on eight MWP datasets. I3C indicates that instructs LLMs to identify and ignore irrelevant conditions. Adding the I3C instruction to CoT prompting methods effectively improves performance. Selecting the most confusing problems and their generated reasoning paths as demonstrations for few-shot learning (i.e., I3C-Select) achieves state-of-the-art performance on all eight MWP datasets.



        title={Instructing Large Language Models to Identify and Ignore Irrelevant Conditions},
        author={Zhenyu Wu and Chao Shen and Meng Jiang},
        booktitle={Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL)},